
  • Morgan Stanley invests in Indian agriculture supply chain manager

    21 February 2023
  • News round-up: Investors go to work on deforestation, DFIs go fossil fuel-free

    05 November 2020

    €1.8trn of investors urge companies to tackle deforestation

  • 2X Challenge publishes gender equality criteria for investors

    06 July 2020

    The 2X Challenge to invest to improve gender equality has published investment criteria for private financiers, as the initiative announced it has surpassed its initial objective by 50%, to drive $4.5 billion in investments.

  • Energy efficiency outperforms amid 'enduring appeal'

    24 June 2020

    Resource efficiency-focused investments have outperformed since the start of 2020, WHEB Asset Management tells Ahren Lester, as customers and investors recognise their "enduring appeal" despite the economic shock caused by the coronavirus pandemic