
  • People Moves

    23 November 2015

    A round-up of the latest new appointments and moves in the industry, including changes at PRI, IEA, MSCI, Vigeo and Arise.

  • Renewables to take 60% of power sector investment up to 2040, says IEA

    10 November 2015

    Some $7.8 trillion will be invested in renewable energy technologies over the next 25 years, more than 60% of all power plant investments, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

  • Low-carbon indexes 'outperform', says report

    26 October 2015

    Indexes reweighted in alignment with a 2˚C scenario outperformed their mainstream equivalents, according to a report.

  • Renewables to dominate new power generation to 2020, says IEA

    06 October 2015

    Renewable energy will be the largest source of electricity growth over the next five years, as costs continue to fall, the International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts.

  • US companies commit to reduce GHG emissions - why not issue green bonds?

    31 August 2015

    A growing number of companies are taking strides to address their carbon footprint. Could issuing green bonds be the next step, asks Peter Ellsworth

  • IEA calls for spending on renewables to increase to $400bn

    15 June 2015

    Annual investment in renewable energy needs to increase to $400 billion by 2030 or the chance to avert catastrophic climate change will be "missed forever", the international Energy Agency (IEA) has warned.

  • Carbon Tracker report warns utilities of coal death spiral

    05 June 2015

    The Carbon Tracker Initiative (CTI) has fired another shot across the bows of the coal sector, in a report that warns the utilities reliant on the commodity are trapped in a "death spiral".

  • Power to the people

    08 May 2014

    Steven McNab and Jessica Holt review the benefits and barriers associated with greater use of decentralised energy generation.

  • Renewables subsidies to more than double by 2030, then decline – IEA

    12 November 2013

    Annual renewable energy subsidies will more than double globally to reach a peak of around $240 billion globally in 2030, the International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts.

  • Accountants call for action on 'stranded assets'

    14 October 2013

    Companies should measure the potential greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions stored within their fossil fuel reserves and account for them, according to Warren Allen, president of the International Federation of Accountants.