
  • UK Green Investment Bank in £250m waste-to-energy deal

    24 December 2013

    The UK's Green Investment Bank has helped finance a £250 million waste-to-energy plant.

  • IIRC launches integrated reporting framework

    10 December 2013

    A framework to help companies expand their reports beyond financial metrics and include measures of sustainability has been launched, marking "an important milestone" in the evolution of 'integrated reporting'.

  • Investors warn palm oil companies and financiers on climate change risks

    05 December 2013

    A $270 billion investor coalition has called for palm oil producers and their financiers to adopt policies to ensure they do not contribute to climate change.

  • Financial close reached for £760m UK waste-to-energy plant

    28 November 2013

    A UK resource management company and its investment partners have signed a £760 million ($1.2 billion) contract with a waste authority for a waste-to-energy project.

  • FMO raises €500m in first 'sustainability bond'

    07 November 2013

    Dutch development bank FMO has raised €500 million ($675.2 million) by issuing its first ever publicly offered 'sustainability bond'.

  • EIB aims for biggest ever green bond

    06 September 2013

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) aims to tap its €650 million ($856 million) Climate Awareness Bond, in a move that could make it the largest ever green bond.

  • EIB issues record-breaking €650m green bond

    12 July 2013

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) has issued a €650 million ($849.4 million) Climate Awareness Bond (CAB) – the largest ever green bond to be denominated in euros, and the first to use the EIB's ECoop framework.

  • Can green bonds go mainstream?

    20 June 2013

    The green bond market is on the march after the first billion-dollar issuance, but what is needed for the fledgling asset class to break into the mainstream, asks Elza Holmstedt Pell

  • Non-toxic investments

    19 June 2013

    Investors need to raise more questions about the financial risks arising from hazardous chemicals produced and used by a range of companies, says Sonja Haider