
  • People moves

    09 July 2014

    The latest personnel changes across the industry, including departures at Duke Energy, appointments at GDF Suez and new positions at Northern Trust

  • Germany's KfW commits to green bond issues

    08 July 2014

    German development bank KfW is planning to issue a series of green bonds, starting with a €500 million - €1 billion ($680 million - $1.4 billion) issue later this year.

  • Is GDF's green bond issue really green?

    03 July 2014

    The proceeds of GDF Suez's €2.5 billion green bond will help finance a Brazilian dam that Ryan Brightwell and Zachary Hurwitz argue will damage the environment

  • Hera's €500m green bond is three-times oversubscribed

    27 June 2014

    A €500 million green bond, believed to be Italy's first, was three-times oversubscribed when it was issued this week.

  • Support for Green Bond Principles continues to grow

    25 June 2014

    The Green Bond Principles has seen its membership grow in size to nearly 50 in recent months, Environmental Finance can reveal.

  • Utility mulls Italy's 'first green bond issue'

    19 June 2014

    An Italian utility will next week host a roadshow to test investor demand for the country's first green bond.

  • GE enters Japanese solar market

    09 June 2014

    GE's financial services arm has entered the Japanese solar market after investing in a 32MW project.

  • Bioplastics firm wins €36m backing

    05 June 2014

    A company developing technology to produce plastic bottles from plants has won €36 million of backing from a consortium of investors.

  • GDF Suez issues record breaking €2.5bn green bond

    13 May 2014

    GDF Suez has issued a record breaking €2.5 billion ($3.4 billion) green bond in a transaction that was three-times oversubscribed despite being upsized to meet greater than expected demand.

  • GDF Suez 'to issue its first green bond'

    06 May 2014

    GDF Suez is reportedly marketing a benchmark-sized green bond.