
  • Airlines unable to comply with CORSIA, warns IATA

    12 August 2024

    Low supply of eligible credits is putting the success of the aviation industry's carbon offsetting scheme at risk, the International Air Transport Association has warned (IATA).

  • Taking off: The CA100+ aviation sector strategy

    04 March 2021

    Climate Action 100+ has released its aviation sector strategy, setting out recommended investor expectations for airlines and aerospace companies. Marshall Geck, Rhoda Byrne and Dr Rory Sullivan explain.

  • ICAO votes to lower baseline on airline carbon reduction scheme

    01 July 2020

    States in the UN-based International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) have voted to lower the carbon emissions baseline of airline credits trading scheme Corsia, in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Airlines mull change in offset scheme following Covid-19

    09 April 2020

    A scheme to offset the emissions of much of the aviation sector is set to change its rules to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, sparking fears that the sector's demand for offsets may be much lower than previously expected.