
  • Cat modelling awakens to climate change risk

    08 April 2020

    Responsibility for understanding the implications of climate change for insurers has largely fallen on the shoulders of the catastrophe modelling community. They are responding with a more dynamic and multi-faceted view, as Paul Walsh reports

  • What will 2020 bring for coal insurance?

    15 January 2020

    The year ahead could see new insurers join the industry's shift away from coal, says Peter Bosshard.

  • Insured losses from Hurricane Maria could reach $85 billion, says AIR

    26 September 2017

    Insured losses inflicted by Hurricane Maria will be between $40 billion and $85 billion, according to catastrophe modelling firm AIR Worldwide.

  • Insurers count the cost of Harvey and Irma

    13 September 2017

    Insurers and their shareholders are breathing a sigh of relief after Hurricane Irma's change of course over Florida resulted in less damage than had been feared.

  • Insurers demand action on climate change

    01 October 2015

    The leaders of 15 insurance firms have written to the governor of the Bank of England demanding "urgent action" on climate change.

  • UK floods could cost £1bn, says insurer

    11 February 2014

    The cost of damage and disruption caused by extensive flooding across the south and west of the UK this winter could reach £1 billion ($1.6 billion), an insurance specialist has warned.

  • ACORE names new president

    13 January 2014

    Michael R Brower had been appointed president and CEO of the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE).