
  • Funds of the year: Dimensional's US Sustainability Core 1 Portfolio

    28 January 2019

    An underexposure to energy stocks was helpful to performance in 2018, explains Jed Fogdall. Peter Cripps reports

  • Facing climate change with a united front

    23 January 2019

    The UN Joint Staff Pension Fund's head of investment tells Michael Hurley how he juggles climate risk with a set of other challenges that are unique to the supranational fund

  • Leading retailers and RBC act on supply chain emissions

    26 June 2018

    Three of the world's 20 leading retailers – CVS Health, Target Corporation and Tesco – have joined Walmart in requesting information on their suppliers' carbon emissions as part of an initiative to improve supply chain sustainability.

  • Green Climate Fund commits extra $1bn to developing nations

    05 March 2018

    The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is to provide an additional $1.09 billion for climate mitigation and adaptation projects as it says it is ready to "shift gear" in helping developing countries hit climate goals.

  • UBS creates "new framework for sustainable investing"

    05 February 2018

    UBS Asset Management (AM) has teamed up with academics to develop a "new calculus for sustainable investing".

  • US food companies must do more to prevent 'antibiotics apocalypse'

    01 December 2017

    Investors are beginning to wake up to the dangers posed by antibiotic immunity, argues Maria Lettini

  • Shareholder engagement spurs AB InBev to commit to 100% renewables

    29 March 2017

    Anheuser-Busch (AB) InBev, the world's largest brewer, has signed up to the RE100 initiative, following extensive shareholder engagement.

  • EF BRIEFS: Vermont green bond, SASB, TerraForm Global

    20 July 2016

    Vermont Educational and Health Buildings Financing Agency has priced its second green bond.

  • Vermont set to issue $89m green bond

    28 June 2016

    Vermont Educational and Health Buildings Financing Agency (VEHBFA) is set to issue an $89 million green bond, its first with a second opinion.

  • Saint Michael's College issues $20m green bond

    27 October 2015

    Saint Michael's College in Vermont has become sixth US university to tap the green bond market this year, with its inaugural $20 million issue.