
  • Impact: Six areas to watch in 2021

    07 January 2021

    A legal framework for impact, harmonisation of reporting frameworks and the rise of impact indexes could shape 2021, writes Michael Hurley

  • $9trn collaboration of asset managers commit to net zero emissions

    11 December 2020

    The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) has formed an initiative of asset managers, representing over $9 trillion, which have committed to align their portfolios with the goals of the Paris climate agreement.

  • $20trn of investors urge firms to set science-based targets

    13 October 2020
  • Legal Framework for Impact to fundamentally reshape finance, says Generation IM

    26 May 2020

    The forthcoming Legal Framework for Impact "will fundamentally reshape the way finance and business is conducted in coming decades", according to Generation Investment Management.

  • Time is ripe for US asset managers to engage oil majors

    11 May 2020

    Domestic asset managers have been largely absent from climate engagement with US oil majors, but the Church Commissioners for England tells Ahren Lester that this could finally be changing.

  • Generation IM plots AI path around ESG data limitations

    05 December 2019

    Digital technologies have opened up many new possibilities for collecting and processing data that should spark a ‘revolution’ and make environmental, social and governance (ESG) data more accurate, Generation Investment Management has claimed.

  • ESG in fiduciary duty debate is over, says PRI

    28 November 2019

    The debate about whether environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are part of fiduciary duty "is now over", according to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).

  • PRI to study ‘fundamental legal questions’ on impact investing

    28 November 2019

    ‘Fundamental legal questions’ surrounding impact investing will be the subject of a far-reaching study commissioned by the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).

  • Generation Investment Management closes $1bn impact investing fund

    22 May 2019

    Generation Investment Management LLP (GIM) has closed its $1 billion impact investment fund, Sustainable Solutions Fund III.

  • Generation forms long-term partnership with Canada’s CDPQ

    09 October 2018

    Generation Investment Management has formed a novel partnership with a leading Canadian asset owner to pursue sustainable investment opportunities with a time horizon of eight - 15 years.