
  • SEB, BAML, Morgan Stanley top 2013 green bond underwriting league table

    24 January 2014

    SEB, Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML) and Morgan Stanley were the most active climate bond underwriters of 2013, according to a new league table of banks active in the rapidly growing market.

  • Banks back new transparency guidelines for green bond market

    13 January 2014

    A coalition of 13 major investment banks has backed a set of voluntary principles intended to encourage transparency and integrity in the fast-growing green bonds market.

  • UK Green Investment Bank in £250m waste-to-energy deal

    24 December 2013

    The UK's Green Investment Bank has helped finance a £250 million waste-to-energy plant.

  • Investors warn palm oil companies and financiers on climate change risks

    05 December 2013

    A $270 billion investor coalition has called for palm oil producers and their financiers to adopt policies to ensure they do not contribute to climate change.

  • Financial close reached for £760m UK waste-to-energy plant

    28 November 2013

    A UK resource management company and its investment partners have signed a £760 million ($1.2 billion) contract with a waste authority for a waste-to-energy project.

  • FMO raises €500m in first 'sustainability bond'

    07 November 2013

    Dutch development bank FMO has raised €500 million ($675.2 million) by issuing its first ever publicly offered 'sustainability bond'.

  • EIB aims for biggest ever green bond

    06 September 2013

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) aims to tap its €650 million ($856 million) Climate Awareness Bond, in a move that could make it the largest ever green bond.

  • Chinese wind giant issues $300m bond

    06 August 2013

    One of China's largest wind power developers has issued a $300 million bond.

  • North Sea storage site boosts CCS hopes

    05 August 2013

    The UK's bid to build its first carbon capture and storage project was boosted today by claims that a site capable of holding 200 million tonnes of the greenhouse gas has been discovered in the North Sea.

  • EIB issues record-breaking €650m green bond

    12 July 2013

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) has issued a €650 million ($849.4 million) Climate Awareness Bond (CAB) – the largest ever green bond to be denominated in euros, and the first to use the EIB's ECoop framework.