
  • Balance of power in renewables shifting to developing countries, says consultant

    27 January 2015

    A major shift in the distribution of renewable power capacity from the EU and North America to developing countries is likely over the next decade, according to consultants Frost & Sullivan.

  • Waste-to-energy market to grow 50% to $29bn by 2016, report claims

    14 November 2013

    The global waste-to-energy market is set to grow more than 50% to $29 billion by 2016, a respected consulting firm has forecast.

  • EU electrical waste market to reach $1.8bn in 2020, say analysts

    02 October 2013

    The European market for recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is expected to reach $1.79 billion in 2020 from around $1.30 billion in 2012, analysts say.