
  • Controversial ExxonMobil lawsuit dismissed

    19 June 2024

    The Texas District Court has dismissed a lawsuit by oil and gas giant ExxonMobil described as an "attack on shareholder democracy".

  • Investors urge Exxon to drop 'silencing' climate action lawsuit

    09 February 2024

    Investors have urged ExxonMobil to drop a lawsuit against shareholders who filed a resolution calling on the oil major to set more ambitious emissions reductions targets.

  • Absolute versus intensity targets. Part two

    15 June 2023

    Investors often leave companies to decide which type of target is most appropriate for their business. Genevieve Redgrave reports

  • Absolute versus intensity targets

    14 June 2023

    Investors are increasingly calling for companies to adopt absolute emissions reductions targets, but intensity targets continue to dominate, at least for now. Genevieve Redgrave reports

  • ExxonMobil, Chevron investor support for shareholder climate resolutions fall

    01 June 2023

    Investor support for shareholder climate resolutions urging Chevron and ExxonMobil to set greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets has fallen since last year, following limited progress at their European counterparts.

  • Scope 3 resolution fails to make progress at Shell's AGM

    23 May 2023

    Oil giant Shell suffered another investor revolt over its climate plans at its AGM, but the rebellion failed to grow in size compared with the previous year.

  • CA100+ investors to back shareholder resolution at Shell

    09 May 2023

    Shareholders at oil giant Shell have announced plans to back a shareholder resolution at its upcoming annual general meeting pressuring the company to address climate risks.

  • Shell's climate plan passes despite investor pushback

    26 May 2022

    Shell's climate transition plan was backed by shareholders at its annual general meeting (AGM) despite early criticism it did not go far enough.

  • Record-breaking ESG resolution season in 2021 as majority votes abound

    25 June 2021

    The "unprecedented" level of majority shareholder votes in favour of environmental, social and governance (ESG) proposals...

  • News round-up: BlackRock, The IA, Nasdaq and more...

    01 June 2021