
  • First State asks US companies for more SDG-aligned information

    16 December 2019

    The managers of First State Investments' Sustainable Listed Infrastructure fund have made disclosing in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) a key part of their efforts to improve US companies' "patchy" sustainability-related disclosures.

  • Unlisted green assets in Europe hit €58bn, estimates Novethic

    20 March 2019

    The amount of ‘green’ assets in unlisted European investment funds has grown to €57.6 billion ($65.4 billion), according to Novethic.

  • First State's stranded assets framework adapted by fixed income team

    26 June 2017

    First State Investments' High Yield Fixed Income team has adopted a stranded assets framework into its decision making processes.

  • Eurosif revises mission under new head

    15 June 2016

    The pan-European sustainable investment forum, Eurosif, has revised its strategy under its recently appointed head Flavia Micilotta.

  • First State discloses carbon risk - but rejects footprinting

    13 May 2016

    First State Investments (FSI) has for the first time disclosed its exposure to climate risk

  • EAPF names sustainable equity mandate winners after extensive search

    02 July 2015

    The UK's Environment Agency pension fund (EAPF) has selected four asset managers for its global sustainability equity mandate after a wide-ranging search.

  • First State sold Petrobras shares on ESG concerns before latest scandals

    29 April 2015

    First State Investments sold its holdings in Petrobras because of concerns over the Brazilian oil company's environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance well before fraud and corruption allegations surfaced last year.

  • $5trn investor group pushes for sustainability action

    22 May 2014

    There is a "moral, financial and economic case for action" from the investment community to deal with environmental risks that intersect with financial markets, a report published by 11 major investors has claimed.

  • Investors demand review into climate change and resource depletion

    16 July 2013

    An alliance of investors has demanded the launch of an inquiry into why the UK Treasury scrapped plans for a review of the impact of resource depletion and climate change on growth prospects.