
  • Australian pension fund to exit coal amid climate announcements

    10 July 2020

    Australian pension fund First State Super has outlined a number of climate change actions and targets, including exiting thermal coal, as it urged other Australian pension funds to do the same.

  • First State asks US companies for more SDG-aligned information

    16 December 2019

    The managers of First State Investments' Sustainable Listed Infrastructure fund have made disclosing in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) a key part of their efforts to improve US companies' "patchy" sustainability-related disclosures.

  • People Moves: Moody's, First State, Cyan, Goldman Sachs

    18 October 2019

    Martina Macpherson has joined Moody’s Investment Service Assessments (MISA), as it looks to increase the number of environmental, social and governance (ESG) data products it offers.

  • Unlisted green assets in Europe hit €58bn, estimates Novethic

    20 March 2019

    The amount of ‘green’ assets in unlisted European investment funds has grown to €57.6 billion ($65.4 billion), according to Novethic.

  • First State Super contracts Hermes EOS

    16 August 2018

    One of Australia's largest pension funds, First State Super, has selected Hermes Equity Ownership Services (EOS) to provide engagement services in overseas markets.

  • ABP, ERAFP, and First State Super among scenario analysis leaders

    15 June 2018

    Many leading global asset owners have already begun to perform scenario analysis and apply key findings to their climate strategies, a report by the Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP) has found.

  • Pension funds eye £300m stake in water utility

    07 August 2017

    Two UK pension funds are eyeing a near-£300 million ($390 million) stake in a UK water utility, according to one newspaper.

  • UK Environment Agency pension fund points to longer term success after annual underperformance

    19 July 2017

    The UK Environment Agency Pension Fund's (EAPF) multi-asset 'active' fund last year underperformed its benchmarks by 1.6 percentage points, but it pointed to its longer term outperformance as evidence of the success of its strategy.

  • ISS-Ethix and CDP create climate impact rating tool for funds

    06 July 2017

    Corporate governance and responsible investment consultant ISS-Ethix Climate Solutions today launched a tool to rate the climate impact of funds, in what the company calls a 'world first'.

  • First State's stranded assets framework adapted by fixed income team

    26 June 2017

    First State Investments' High Yield Fixed Income team has adopted a stranded assets framework into its decision making processes.