
  • Japanese regulator publishes draft social bond guidelines

    22 July 2021

    The Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA) has published its proposed Social Bond Guidelines (SBG)...

  • Japan's FSA publishes bond & loan 'transition finance guidelines'

    07 May 2021

    Japan's Financial Services Agency (FSA) has published Basic guidelines on climate transition finance, with the aim of encouraging "more funds for activities that contribute to achieving [the national government's goal of] 2050 carbon neutral[ity]".

  • Japan's FSA to form 'expert panel on sustainable finance'

    29 December 2020

    Japan's Financial Services Agency is to form an 'expert panel on sustainable finance' to drive domestic and international investment in Japanese companies that the body says support the transition to a carbon-neutral economy.

  • Japanese regulator to review stewardship code for institutional investors

    13 August 2019

    Japan’s financial regulator, the Financial Services Agency (FSA), is to review the Japanese stewardship code to solicit more effective stewardship activities by institutional investors, according to commissioner Toshihide Endo.

  • Dai-ichi Life emphasises climate change in revised investment policy

    02 April 2019

    Japanese insurer Dai-ichi Life has revised its investment policy in line with Japan’s stewardship code, putting stronger emphasis on engagement and climate change issues.