
  • US climate finance principles published by regulators - but two Fed governors refuse to sign

    25 October 2023

    The main banking and financial services regulators in the US have agreed principles on how to manage climate risk - but they resisted calls to promote the transition to a lower carbon economy, as the controversial document caused a rift within the Federal Reserve.

  • US financial stability body says closing climate data gaps a priority

    29 July 2022

    The US Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) has reported "considerable progress" by its members in addressing the threat to financial stability posed by climate change, but identified plugging data gaps as a priority for future work.

  • US financial regulators urged to address climate risk

    07 January 2022

    US financial regulators have been urged to make 2022 a year of action on climate change.

  • US financial regulators acknowledge climate action needed amid 'increasing threat'

    25 October 2021

    US regulators have identified climate change as an "emerging and increasing threat" to US financial stability for the first time