
  • The race is on to electrify corporate fleets

    03 December 2020

    Electrification increasingly makes economic sense for fleets of corporate vehicles, says Mary Jane McQuillen

  • Water risk is accelerating cases of 'drying' or 'drowning' assets

    27 August 2020

    The announcement of 'stranded' assets created by rising water risk is growing, environmental not-for-profit CDP says, with examples of these 'drying' or 'drowning' assets accumulating rapidly, but awareness and disclosure remains lamentably low.

  • MSCI launches two ESG corporate bond indexes

    10 January 2020

    New York-listed financial data firm MSCI has launched two corporate bond indexes weighted according to environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations.

  • No oil & gas company aligned with 2°C pathway, says TPI

    18 September 2019

    None of the 50 largest oil and gas companies have aligned their emission intensity with a pathway that would keep global warming to 2°C, as called for in the Paris Agreement on climate change, according to the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI).

  • North American electricity utilities trail European counterparts in transition to low-carbon economy

    09 June 2017

    Electricity utilities are, on average, not reducing emissions fast enough to be in line with a scenario that would limit climate change to the Paris Agreement's 2°C target, a Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) study has found.

  • US 'to overtake Germany as third biggest solar market', despite Trump

    25 January 2017

    The US will become the third largest market for solar in 2017 overtaking Germany, according to a report by data provider Sustainalytics.

  • Offshore wind's first investment grade project 'close', says S&P

    15 June 2016

    The first investment grade rating for an offshore wind project could be issued in the next 12 months, according to Standard & Poor's (S&P).

  • RWE invests in energy storage company Stem

    14 August 2015

    RWE has led a consortium of investors in the latest round of financing for intelligent energy storage company Stem.