
  • Green Bond Comment, August 2021: A new dawn for the beleaguered transition bond label?

    04 August 2021

    Once seen as the next exciting frontier in sustainable fixed income, the take-up of transition bonds has so far underwhelmed the market. But could the beleaguered label stage a fight back, asks Ahren Lester

  • Green bond comment, May 2021: Is it the time of consolidation rather than proliferation of bond labels?

    05 May 2021

    There are early indications that the market is looking to consolidate existing sustainable bond labels rather than add further ones to the mix. Ahren Lester asks whether this is a worry for the future of the market

  • Etihad Airways issues 'world's first transition sukuk'

    29 October 2020

    United Arab Emirates (UAE)-owned Etihad Airways has issued a five-year $600 million sustainability-linked 'transition' sukuk, believed to be the first of its kind in the world and the first sustainability-linked bond in the airline industry.