
  • Dutch banks urge against obligation to decarbonise, ask for right to request climate data

    21 February 2024
  • KKR invests $400m in Indian decarbonisation firm

    08 November 2022
  • Berenberg targets positive impact but refrains from impact label

    15 July 2022

    Berenberg Bank says it does not define itself as an impact investor despite running three 'impact-focussed' funds - a distinction it says helps avoid perceptions of greenwashing while definitions of impact are in flux, according to a senior employee.

  • EU carbon price suffers largest one-day fall

    02 March 2022

    The price of carbon credits under the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) fell by its largest one-day amount on Tuesday, as rising energy prices and the Russian war in Ukraine put pressure on the soaring market.

  • EU carbon prices expected to surpass €130 before year end

    24 January 2022

    EU carbon prices are predicted to surpass €100 per tonne before the end of March, and €130/t before the end of 2022, according to one analyst.

  • Milestone €100 EU carbon price 'within reach' in 2021

    09 December 2021

    Expectations are rising that the EU carbon price could quickly cross the €100 ($113) per tonne milestone following more than a month of strong price gains and amid persistent tailwinds for the carbon credits.

  • German coalition praised for making climate top priority

    25 November 2021
  • EU Weekly Carbon Update, 24 June 2019

    25 June 2019

    The bulls seem to have the upper hand in the market for EU Allowances at present, says Louis Redshaw.

  • EU Weekly Carbon Update, 11 February

    11 February 2019
  • EU carbon market update, 23 July

    23 July 2018