
  • CA100+ investors welcome SBTi validation of ČEZ targets

    18 July 2022
  • IPBES report 'highlights complexity of valuing nature'

    13 July 2022

    A new report sheds light on how financial considerations do not adequately capture nature's contributions to society, writes Thomas Cox

  • Majority of net zero targets 'not credible', say researchers

    15 June 2022
  • France's 'perfectly timed' inflation-linked green bond debut

    30 May 2022

    With a longstanding reputation as a prolific green bond issuer and innovator, France welcomed the strong demand for its 'perfectly timed' green 'linker' debut. Ahren Lester reports

  • France launches landmark inflation-linked green bond

    25 May 2022

    Prolific green bond issuer France has launched its first inflation-linked green bond, which is believed to be the first instrument of its type.

  • A third of economy commits to SBTi, but SMEs remain a challenge

    12 May 2022

    SBTi has "gone mainstream" because of the attention it receives from companies, but recruiting small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) remains a challenge, the organisation's CEO has said.

  • Banks 'resisting SBTi fossil fuel phase-out goals'

    27 April 2022

    Some banks in the US and Asia continue to resist the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi)'s proposed timeline for phasing out financing for fossil fuels, a member of the think tank has said.

  • Private equity firms reach 'tipping point' in net-zero targets

    22 April 2022

    European private equity firms have reached a critical threshold in the number setting science-based decarbonisation targets, a member of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has said.

  • GFANZ lamented for 'no clear signs it has achieved anything'

    21 April 2022

    A group of civil society organisations has written to Michael Bloomberg and Mark Carney to demand the $138 trillion financial sector coalition they co-chair to step up its game, in a letter that complained the initiative had shown no signs that it has achieved anything.

  • SBTi calls for end to coal financing by 2030

    12 April 2022

    Financial institutions should phase out financing for coal by 2030 and oil & gas by 2040, the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has said.