
  • Green bond round-up, 24 May 2017

    24 May 2017

    Polish bank Zachodni WBK has issued €137 million ($153.8 million) green bond, in a private placement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

  • EDP emissions reduction plan approved by Science-Based Targets

    27 February 2017

    Portuguese utility EDP's emissions reduction plan has been confirmed as in-line with the Paris Agreement goal of keeping global warming well below 2°C, by NGO Science-Based Targets (SBT).

  • Q&A with Anthony Requin on France's sovereign green bond

    10 February 2017

    The Republic of France's €7 billion sovereign issue was the largest and the longest dated green bond, and was the largest syndicated Obligation Assimilable du Trésor (OAT) issued as a single tranche. The chief executive of Agence France Trésor answers some questions.

  • Best performing funds of 2016: Vontobel New Power A

    27 January 2017

    In a disappointing year for clean energy funds, Vontobel found a safe harbour in grid infrastructure stocks. Pascal Dudle talks to Joe Walsh.

  • France's sovereign green bond could reach €13bn this year

    25 January 2017

    The French Treasury has issued a mammoth €7 billion ($7.5 billion) green sovereign bond, which is almost twice the size of the previous largest green bond and could be increased to €13 billion later this year.

  • LuxFlag awards first Climate Finance Label to international funds

    21 December 2016

    The Luxembourg Finance Labelling Agency (LuxFlag) has awarded its first 'Climate Finance' label to three international funds.

  • Increased demand in California and Quebec carbon auction

    24 November 2016

    California and Quebec's latest carbon auction sold more than double the number of allowances as its previous auction but still not enough to lift prices above the 'floor price'.

  • COP blog: The price of not investing in water

    10 November 2016

    European Investment Bank
    This week in Marrakesh I'll have water very much on my mind as my colleagues and I join experts and partners from the world's development banks and international financial institutions to pin down just how we are going to put the Paris Agreement into practice and to assess our progress since last year.

  • Kommuninvest issues largest ever SEK green bond

    19 October 2016

    Swedish public sector lender Kommuninvest has priced the largest ever Swedish krona green bond, raising some SEK5 billion ($570 million).

  • UK climate policy now uncertain

    24 June 2016

    The UK's climate policy was mired in doubt in the wake of the monumental vote to leave the European Union.