
  • Natixis repackages French green sovereign bond into green structured note

    05 March 2018

    French bank Natixis has designed what it claims is the first green structured note – a repackaging of France's €7 billion ($8.6 billion) green obligation assimilable du Trésor (OAT).

  • Animal welfare is not only about risk, but opportunities as well

    23 February 2018

    Investors are increasingly looking at the opportunities provided by identifying the leading companies with regards to farm animal welfare practices, as well as the risks of backing the laggards, a report has found.

  • UBS creates "new framework for sustainable investing"

    05 February 2018

    UBS Asset Management (AM) has teamed up with academics to develop a "new calculus for sustainable investing".

  • Electric vehicles could hit price parity with diesel and petrol from 2022, CDP says

    19 January 2018

    Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) will reach price parity with internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles from about 2022, according to research published by CDP.

  • Lloyds Bank provides £50m 'green loan' to UK science parks

    10 January 2018

    Lloyds Bank will provide a £50 million ($67.5 million) 'green loan' to increase energy efficiency of buildings to UK science and technology park operator Manchester Science Partnerships (MSP).

  • China launches world's largest emissions trading scheme

    19 December 2017

    China has announced the long-awaited launch of its national emissions trading scheme (ETS), which will immediately become the largest of its type in the world, according to analysts.

  • Second tap takes France's sovereign green bond to almost €10bn

    08 December 2017

    Agence France Tresor has tapped its record-breaking sovereign green bond for the second time, raising a further €1.065 billion. The bond now amounts to €9.697 billion ($10.61 billion).

  • Green bonds round-up, 6 December 2017

    06 December 2017
  • Consumers go green in China

    31 October 2017

    Companies doing business in China need to be aware that Chinese consumers increasingly care not just about the price and convenience of the products and services they buy, but also their environmental impact, says David Liao

  • Trump highlights need for responsible investment funds, says BMO

    26 May 2017

    A Trump presidency increases the need for a sustainable global equities strategy, according to one fund manager.