
  • Green bond comment, September 2018: Land of the rising green bond

    05 September 2018

    A burst of issues from Asia and Australia in August could be the sign of a greater willingness from companies in the region to issue green, social or sustainability bonds.

  • Will TCFD boost demand for weather hedging?

    30 July 2018

    Growing pressure on companies and investors to disclose the potential impact of climate-change could lead to more use of weather risk management contracts, some analysts believe. Graham Cooper reports

  • Aviva Investors finances €1.5bn windfarm

    18 July 2018

    Aviva Investors has joined a syndicate of 13 international lenders to participate in the €1.5 billion ($1.7 billion) financing of the German 396 MW Merkur offshore windfarm.

  • African green bank launch stunted by GCF’s ‘longstanding governance issues’

    10 July 2018

    The bid to fund a world-first developing market green bank has been beset by ‘fundamental and longstanding issues around the governance’ of the Green Climate Fund (GCF).

  • Buildings and research take bulk of proceeds from green OAT

    26 June 2018

    Green buildings and scientific research account for more than half of the finance already allocated from France's green sovereign bond (OAT).

  • France plans new tap of green OAT this week

    25 June 2018

    The French government is preparing to tap its green sovereign bond for the fourth time.

  • Green bond round-up, 20 June, 2018

    20 June 2018

    ESG investors flock to Australian SDG bond National Australia Bank (NAB) has issued its first 'green SDG bond' which it said aligns with the Green Bond Principles while also contributing to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • ABP, ERAFP, and First State Super among scenario analysis leaders

    15 June 2018

    Many leading global asset owners have already begun to perform scenario analysis and apply key findings to their climate strategies, a report by the Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP) has found.

  • Water: managing risk and embracing opportunity

    10 May 2018

    More than 100 delegates gathered at Environmental Finance's conference on water, hosted by the London Stock Exchange, to discuss an investment opportunity worth about $7.5 trillion, writes Michael Hurley.

  • France grows green bond to €11bn

    05 April 2018

    The Republic of France has grown the size of its sovereign green bond to €10.8 billion ($13.3 billion) by tapping it for a third time.