
  • UK commits to emissions trading scheme over carbon tax

    14 December 2020

    The UK government has opted to launch its own emissions trading scheme (ETS) next month, instead of a carbon tax, and has said it will be more ambitious than the EU-run scheme it will replace.

  • ESG in Fixed Income Europe 2020 conference: Day one round up

    12 November 2020

    The annual conference is being held virtually this year and attracted over 600 delegates on its first day

  • Agence France Trésor: EU taxonomy a 'powerful tool' but challenges remain

    12 November 2020

    ESG in Fixed Income Europe 2020 conference: The EU's taxonomy of sustainable activities is a "powerful tool" for impact reporting, but the data is not always there to enable reporting in alignment with it, attendees of Environmental Finance's virtual conference heard.

  • News round-up: Investors go to work on deforestation, DFIs go fossil fuel-free

    05 November 2020

    €1.8trn of investors urge companies to tackle deforestation

  • Green bond comment, November: Time is ripe for sovereigns to finally step up

    04 November 2020

    Sovereign green bonds experienced a bumper September, with several new issuers, but Ahren Lester argues other hesitant sovereigns should step-up ahead of COP26 next year to light up this potentially significant market

  • $20trn of investors urge firms to set science-based targets

    13 October 2020
  • UK "could spur more sovereign 'green+' bonds" in runup to COP

    08 October 2020

    The UK government has been urged to issue a 'green+ bond' that could be imitated by other sovereigns looking to raise the ambition of their climate goals in the run-up to COP26.

  • Science Based Targets initiative launches financial sector framework

    01 October 2020

    Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has launched its "breakthrough" pilot framework for financial institutions to set science-based climate targets, but campaigners were "disappointed" and "disturbed" by what they perceive to be shortcomings.

  • Most financial institutions don't push for ambitious EU sustainable finance strategy

    23 September 2020

    Many financial institutions are failing to support an ambitious EU sustainable finance strategy, according to a report on lobbying by NGO InfluenceMap, with just a handful supporting and actively engaging with the European Commission's policy.

  • 'Sustainable seafood' fund aims for 2021 launch

    07 September 2020