
  • Green bond comment, October

    28 October 2015

    A series of chunky issues have provided a welcome boost the green bond market in recent weeks.

  • KfW ups size of latest green bond to make biggest issue of 2015

    20 October 2015

    KfW has come to market with the biggest green bond of 2015 so far.

  • EDF raises $1.25bn in second green bond

    08 October 2015

    French energy utility EDF has issued its second green bond, this time for $1.25 billion.

  • EDF launches second green bond

    07 October 2015

    French utility EDF has launched a benchmark dollar denominated green bond that is expected to price today, according to a source close to the deal.

  • EDF Renewable Energy buys US mid-size wind developer

    26 August 2015

    EDF Renewable Energy has bought US midsize wind project developer OwnEnergy for an undisclosed fee.

  • Good Energy hires Meyrick from Eneco

    23 July 2015

    Carbon market veteran Mark Meyrick is joining UK renewables company Good Energy as director of wholesale and trading after more than five years as head of the carbon desk at Dutch utility Eneco.

  • Carbon Tracker report warns utilities of coal death spiral

    05 June 2015

    The Carbon Tracker Initiative (CTI) has fired another shot across the bows of the coal sector, in a report that warns the utilities reliant on the commodity are trapped in a "death spiral".

  • BlackRock in partnership with EDF for three US wind farms

    23 February 2015

    BlackRock has formed an "infrastructure partnership" with EDF Renewables to acquire equity in a series of wind assets.

  • EDF reaches financial close on 200MW Texas wind farm

    23 January 2015

    EDF Renewable Energy has reached financial close on a 200MW wind farm in Texas.

  • People moves

    20 November 2014

    A round-up of the latest new appointments and moves in the industry, including changes at Calvert, SEP and Jupiter