
  • Corporates confirm their commitment to green bonds

    12 December 2017

    A group of Europe's largest industrial issuers of green bonds have made a formal pledge to promote the future growth of the market.

  • Big in Japan?

    04 September 2017

    Support from the biggest pension fund in the world is helping ESG take off in Japan, write Peter Cripps and Joe Walsh

  • EDF eyes impact bond for Louisiana wetlands project

    17 July 2017

    Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), a US advocacy group, is working on the design of an 'environmental impact bond' (EIB) to finance a coastal wetlands restoration project in Louisiana.

  • Paris rebrands its sustainable finance initiative as Finance for Tomorrow

    16 June 2017

    An initiative aiming to position Paris as a global leader in green finance has been rebranded to give it fresh impetus.

  • GBPs appoint first Chinese member of executive committee

    15 June 2017

    Bank of China has become the first Chinese player to join the executive committee of the Green Bond Principles (GBPs).

  • Utilities that are renewables leaders have competitive advantage - S&P

    12 June 2017

    European utilities companies that are market leaders in renewables have a clear competitive advantage as the sector transforms, according to a report by S&P.

  • Japan to issue a 'deluge' of green bonds in 2017

    08 May 2017

    Japanese green bond issuance is set to take off in 2017, having grabbed the attention of local capital markets, according to one second opinion provider recently established in the country.

  • EDF and Amundi partner on energy efficiency fund

    31 March 2017

    French utility Électricité de France (EDF)has partnered with Amundi to launch an energy efficiency fund targeting up to €2 billion ($2.14 billion.

  • EDP emissions reduction plan approved by Science-Based Targets

    27 February 2017

    Portuguese utility EDP's emissions reduction plan has been confirmed as in-line with the Paris Agreement goal of keeping global warming well below 2°C, by NGO Science-Based Targets (SBT).

  • Green Bond market hits $200bn

    17 February 2017

    The green bond market has raised more than $200 billion, according to data from Environmental Finance's Green Bond Database.