
  • Derisking renewables

    05 December 2013

    A cocktail of risks has hampered investment in low-carbon technologies. Public-backed guarantees, among others, should increasingly be used to help the capital flow, argues Gianleo Frisari

  • Investors warn palm oil companies and financiers on climate change risks

    05 December 2013

    A $270 billion investor coalition has called for palm oil producers and their financiers to adopt policies to ensure they do not contribute to climate change.

  • Mark Fulton joins CBI to work on green securitisation

    21 November 2013

    Climate investment expert Mark Fulton has joined the Climate Bonds Initiative as a senior fellow working on green securitisation.

  • SolarCity's bond to 'open the gates' for solar securitisations

    15 November 2013

    SolarCity's $54 million bond issue will "open the gates" for other solar firms that want to tap the asset-backed security (ABS) markets, and could wipe as much as three percentage points off their borrowing costs, an analyst has claimed.

  • People moves

    15 November 2013

    The latest people moves in the environmental markets, covering companies including Terra Firma, Deutsche Bank, Climate Change Capital, the Global Reporting Initiative and more

  • South-east Asia clean energy fund closes at $164m

    11 November 2013

    A fund focused on clean energy projects in south-east Asia has reached a final close of $164 million, exceeding its target.

  • Deutsche Bank parts company with carbon research head

    07 November 2013

    Mark Lewis has stepped down as head of carbon research at Deutsche Bank, just months after the bank pulled the plug on its emissions trading activities.

  • IFC issues second $1bn green bond of 2013

    06 November 2013

    The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has launched its second $1 billion green bond of 2013, and called on other development banks to follow it with more 'benchmark' issues.

  • Infinis passes milestone on road to '£930m' float

    04 November 2013

    The renewables company run by private equity giant Terra Firma, has provided further details of its plans to float this month, in a move expected to value the company at up to £930 million ($1.5 billion).

  • Investors and businesses lobby for early EU ETS reform

    25 October 2013

    A group of 53 businesses, investors and trade associations has called on the European Commission to bring forward, to the end of this year, draft legislation to reform the beleaguered EU Emissions Trading System (ETS).