
  • New vehicle to help solar battle subsidy cuts

    20 February 2014

    A solar company today launched a fight-back against the retroactive subsidy cuts that cast a shadow over the industry, as it proposed the creation of a listed 'yieldco' to aggregate assets across Europe.

  • EIB boosts size of Climate Awareness Bond to €2bn

    19 February 2014

    The European Investment Bank has increased the size of its euro-denominated Climate Awareness Bond by a further €500 million ($ 687 million) taking its total size to €2 billion.

  • Wheb fund reaches €100m first close, makes first investment

    18 February 2014

    Wheb's third private equity fund has raised €100 million ($137 million) and made its first investment.

  • Energy efficiency, cities, and the Clean Trillion

    14 February 2014

    $36 trillion in clean energy investment is needed to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Ten cities are stepping up to the plate and investors are likely to follow, argues Brandon Smithwood

  • The challenges of financing offshore wind

    11 February 2014

    With utilities struggling to finance offshore wind farms, institutional investors are being asked to step in. What financing challenges are facing the sector and what are the developments helping facilitate cheaper capital, asks Charles Yates

  • An inflection point for energy efficiency financing?

    29 January 2014

    There is a tangible sense of frustration at the slow progress being made in scaling up the European energy efficiency market. Traditional players need to learn from the more dynamic markets in the US, or risk being overtaken by rivals with new business models, argues Steven Fawkes

  • Investors welcome proposed EU ETS reforms

    22 January 2014

    Proposals from the European Commission to reform the bloc's Emissions Trading System have received a qualified welcome from investors.

  • Large-scale programmatic CDM project issues 80,000 offsets

    20 January 2014

    The developer of a biogas project in China has completed the biggest-ever issuance of offsets from a 'programmatic' Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project.

  • High hopes?

    17 January 2014

    Some of the most influential members of the environmental investment community share their reflections on 2013 and gaze into their crystal ball for the coming 12 months

  • Former Deutsche analysts launch energy consultancy

    14 January 2014

    Mark Fulton and Mark Lewis, both former analysts at Deutsche Bank, have set up a new consultancy to advise on financial and policy risks arising from the global transition from fossil fuels.