
  • EU non-financial reporting gets final go-ahead

    29 September 2014

    The European Council has adopted a directive that will require large companies to disclose information on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies along with their main financial reports.

  • Governments and companies in joint pledge to halt forest loss

    24 September 2014

    More than 30 national governments, 40 companies and numerous NGOs and regional governments have pledged to work to halt deforestation globally by 2030.

  • Investors and issuers pledge to expand green bonds market

    23 September 2014

    A group of institutional investors, with more than $2 trillion in assets under management, has pledged to work "to grow a large and robust [green bond] market that makes a real contribution to addressing climate change".

  • Global investor coalition calls for ambitious climate deal

    18 September 2014

    A coalition of some of the world's biggest investors has demanded an ambitious climate deal to help unlock the $1 trillion of investment needed to combat climate change.

  • Higher oil prices could still lead to stranded assets, warns report

    16 September 2014

    Oil majors run the risk that their assets will be devalued even if oil prices rise, a report has warned.

  • EIB issues 'landmark' €500m 12-year green bond

    04 September 2014

    The European Investment Bank has launched a "landmark" €500 million green bond, which has a 12-year tenor and could help open the market for longer-dated paper in the space.

  • EIB plans new euro Climate Awareness Bond [updated]

    04 September 2014

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) has issued a new euro-denominated benchmark green bond, this time with a 12-year tenor.

  • Reuters launches ESG indices for European market

    03 September 2014

    Thomson Reuters has launched a suite of indices that measure the performance of European companies that it believes have superior environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices.

  • EU energy and environmental reforms could see carbon price soar

    01 September 2014

    The price of allowances in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) could rise almost four-fold to €23 ($30) per tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2) by 2030 if proposed energy and environmental reforms are implemented, according to Thomson Reuters.

  • Glennmont's second fund reaches €500m second close

    01 September 2014

    A clean energy fund has reached a €500 million ($656.6 million) final close, exceeding its target by €50 million.