
  • People moves - 24 June 2016

    24 June 2016

    The latest moves at CMIA, Green Alliance, SunEdison and Hermes EOS

  • Norges Bank gives boost to Exxon and Chevron climate change resolutions

    05 May 2016

    Norges Bank's backing of climate change resolutions at ExxonMobil and Chevron will boost investor confidence in their outcome, according to one engagement specialist.

  • Asset manager names three sustainable themes for a low-growth future

    26 April 2016

    Three sustainability themes were named as having the potential to boost returns for investors facing the 'new reality' of a low-growth environment.

  • The Paris agreement - success or disappointment?

    02 March 2016

    There is scepticism around whether the climate deal can deliver on its targets. But Bruce Duguid is optimistic it will pave the way for real change – and argues that investors have a key role to play

  • Energy storage - a technology whose time has come?

    18 February 2016

    Large-scale use of batteries to store electricity could be critical for the future growth of renewable energy. Recent developments mean the sector is almost ready for institutional investors, says Graham Cooper

  • Carbon trading finds its feet again

    17 December 2015

    The winners of 2015's carbon-related Market Rankings say it's been a good year for trading systems worldwide, with more regulatory certainty and overall activity than last year in many markets. Sophie Robinson-Tillett reports

  • EF Briefs: Trina Solar, EOS IM, GIB, Foresight

    14 December 2015

    The UK's Green Investment Bank (GIB) and Foresight Group have invested £1.7 million ($2.6 million) in the construction of an anaerobic digestion (AD) plant in Northern Ireland.

  • People round-up

    05 August 2015

    A round-up of the latest new appointments and moves in the industry, including changes at SEP,Greentech Capital, The African Development Bank, the Solar Energy Industry Association, Statkraft and Good Energy

  • The major trends for corporate engagement in 2015

    23 January 2015

    Carbon risk, water stress and air pollution will be among the biggest themes for corporate engagement this year, argues Bruce Duguid

  • Study forecasts explosive growth for second generation biofuels

    22 December 2014

    Production of 'second generation' biofuels – made from non-food crops or waste biomass – is expected to grow by more than 49% a year until 2020, to reach a market of $23.9 billion in 2020, according to a new report.