
  • Insured losses would increase 200% in worst climate scenario, EIOPA warns

    23 June 2023
  • There is already ample natural capital data, says TNFD

    02 May 2023

    There is already enough data on natural capital for investors to meaningfully engage on the subject, a spokesperson for the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures claimed.

  • Axa IM natural capital fund invests €2m in nature tech firm

    03 March 2023
  • Investors target Volkswagen for climate lobbying

    05 April 2022

    Seven European investors have co-filed a shareholder resolution with Volkswagen for "trailing behind its peers" to report its climate lobbying, after more than three years of dialogue with the car company.

  • Biomass data from satellites 'can benefit voluntary carbon market'

    20 January 2022

    Satellite imagery has been used to build a global map the amount of carbon sequestered by trees and plants, in a development that could help add transparency to forestry carbon...

  • $3.2trn investor group to 'step-up' chemical sector emissions engagement

    09 September 2021

    An investor working group has been formed to "step-up" engagement with major chemical firms around their carbon emissions, arguing the sector has been "neglected" by investors as being 'hard-to-abate'.

  • EOS turns voting focus towards gender and racial diversity in 2021

    10 August 2021

    EOS at Federated Hermes said it tightened its voting policies related to gender and racial diversity on boards in 2021, opposing director re-elections where "insufficient" progress has been made - with the investment stewardship firm particularly disappointed by progress in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

  • News round-up: G7, TCFD and Monetary Authority of Singapore

    24 May 2021
  • Norway embraces TCFD

    24 May 2021
  • £32bn Pension Protection Fund hails ESG progress

    21 August 2020

    The UK Pension Protection Fund (PPF) has hailed its environmental, social and governance (ESG) progress in its first responsible investment report, including building pressure on external managers and increasing engagement, as it looks to push harder for disclosure improvements.