
  • Regulators' climate scenario analyses could be understating risks, warns FSB

    15 November 2022

    The climate scenario analyses carried out by financial authorities may underestimate exposures and vulnerabilities, as they are not capturing the second-order impacts associated with climate change, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) has said.

  • COP27: NGFS launches blended climate finance initiative

    09 November 2022

    The Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) has launched a blended finance initiative at the UN COP27 climate summit,...

  • People Moves 21 October: including American Securities, BNY Mellon, PAI Partners & more

    21 October 2022
  • Dealing with inconsistent ESG data

    18 October 2022

    A consistent ESG investment approach is 'largely impossible' across asset classes with current data, The Future of ESG Data 2022 conference heard. Ahren Lester reports

  • People moves 16 September: State Street, UBS, US SIF ... and more

    16 September 2022
  • Carney leads sustainable finance tributes to Queen Elizabeth II

    09 September 2022

    The sustainable finance community has paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth II, after her death at the age of 96 ushered in the rein of outspoken environmentalist King Charles III.

  • NGFS targets wider use of scenarios after release of third iteration

    07 September 2022

    Climate scenarios for central banks and supervisors have been updated to include national 'net zero' commitments at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, ahead of a move to broaden the potential application of the scenarios to private financial institutions.

  • Biodiversity COP and finance

    15 August 2022

    Ahead of the COP15 biodiversity conference in December, Thomas Cox asks financial experts their hopes for the event

  • Banks flag 'black-swan events' as top climate risk

    22 July 2022
  • Despres joins European Climate Foundation

    18 July 2022