
  • ESG news round-up: Calvert joins Morgan Stanley; CofE drops ExxonMobil; HSBC in net-zero pledge

    09 October 2020
  • ECB gives green light to sustainability-linked bonds

    23 September 2020

    The European Central Bank (ECB) has announced that sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs) will be eligible as collateral and for its asset purchase programmes from 2021, delivering an important boost to the nascent asset class.

  • More energy efficient properties 'cut risk of mortgage default'

    02 September 2020

    The risk of default for mortgages on the most energy efficient properties is lower than less efficient properties, according to a report by the Energy Efficiency Data Protocol and Portal (EeDaPP).

  • Central banks should step up to face environmental breakdown risk in finance

    21 August 2020

    Market-fixing approaches such as the nascent Task Force for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) are "unsuitable" for managing the risks posed by environmental breakdown, an academic paper has argued, instead proposing that central banks and financial regulators should introduce strict industry-wide exclusionary criteria.

  • Phenix sees growth in affordable housing impact funds

    15 July 2020

    Phenix Capital has observed a significant increase in the number of impact funds being raised to invest in affordable housing in recent months - and predicted that the trend is set to gather pace post-pandemic.

  • Impact debt fund poised to raise €400m

    11 June 2020

    The manager of a debt fund that links the cost of its lending to pre-agreed environmental and social 'key performance indicators' (KPIs) has said the fund is poised to attract €400 million ($455 million) in commitments.

  • Banks' fossil fuel commitments accelerate as pressure intensifies

    19 May 2020
  • Pension funds must do more to push for low-carbon transition, says Lord Deben

    14 May 2020

    The chair of the influential UK Committee on Climate Change (CCC) said the financial sector is beginning to take environmental concerns more seriously, but more has to be done.

  • European oil majors climate pledge disappointment continues

    13 May 2020

    Despite progress from European oil majors in strengthening their climate ambitions, analysis by the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) concluded that none are yet on the path to net-zero emissions.

  • Impact investors set to launch Covid-19 funds - Phenix Capital

    06 April 2020

    Impact fund managers appear set to launch a swathe of strategies that aim to combat the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, according to Phenix Capital.