
  • People Moves, 2 August: Nordea, UBS Asset Management, Impax, HSBC ... and more

    02 August 2024
  • 'Nuanced' transition frameworks crucial for meeting COP28 commitments, IEEFA claims

    13 February 2024
  • People Moves, 15 December: PRI, NatureMetrics, Sweef Capital, Ananda Impact ... and more

    15 December 2023
  • Overhaul SFDR by dropping Article 8 and 9, IEEFA recommends

    22 November 2023
  • The Future of ESG Data conference: ESG rating regulation must not 'prescribe what to provide to the market'

    17 October 2023

    Forthcoming regulation of ESG rating providers must not dictate what they should provide to the market, an Environmental Finance conference heard.

  • Carbon offset data platform raises $2.2m in pre-seed funding

    13 September 2023
  • Indonesia considering coal for 'green' taxonomy

    05 September 2023

    A move from the Indonesian regulator to consider coal as 'green' within its taxonomy could risk foreign investor confidence in the market", both an international energy institute and Sustainable Fitch have warned.

  • RBC's climate framework 'highly tentative', says IEEFA

    30 August 2023
  • SBTi's financial sector framework will enhance its credibility, says IEEFA

    25 August 2023

    The Science Based Targets initiative's (SBTi) proposed standards for financial institutions will help boost the initiative's credibility, says the Institute for Energy, Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) - although there is still room for improvement.

  • News Round Up: Kepco, Barclays, MSCI, and more

    30 November 2020