
  • Central banks have a 'duty' to manage nature risks, says ECB

    06 September 2024

    Central banks have a "duty" to manage nature-related risks, the European Central Bank has said, warning that litigation poses an increasing threat.

  • ECB makes nature risk a priority

    30 January 2024

    The European Central Bank (ECB) has added 'nature loss and degradation' to its key areas of focus for the next two years.

  • ECB warns banks face severe impact from run-away warming

    22 September 2021

    Runaway climate change would increase by 30% the risk that the most exposed banks would default by 2050...

  • ECB to stress test banks on climate risks after finding disclosures lacking

    30 November 2020

    Eurozone banks will, in 2022, be stress-tested for the first time on their ability to withstand climate-related risks, the European Central Bank (ECB) has said.

  • EIB targets €250m circular bioeconomy fund after €82m first close

    02 October 2020

    The European Investment Bank's (EIB) private equity-focused circular bioeconomy fund has raised €82 million ($96 million) at first close, with the fund targeted to raise around €250 million.

  • Standards being prepared for collateral for green covered bonds

    18 February 2020

    The European Covered Bond Council (ECBC) is devising standards to define assets that are eligible for the collateral pools for energy-efficiency covered bonds.

  • Central banks should remove market neutrality, says CBI

    17 October 2019

    Central banks are being recommended to remove their doctrine of market neutrality in order to tackle climate change risks, according to a report by the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI).

  • ESG in Fixed Income Europe, featuring Green Bonds

    03 July 2019

    Nearly 400 delegates attended the conference, now in its ninth year`

  • Green mortgage pilot scheme receives backing of major banks

    15 June 2018

    A pilot green mortgage scheme, backed by major European banks, aims to boost the growth of energy efficient buildings in Europe by establishing a standardised European framework and data gathering process.

  • QE policy could increase risk of stranded assets, researchers warn

    31 May 2017

    Purchases of corporate bonds by the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of England, as part of their quantitative easing (QE) initiatives, could be adding to the risk of assets in the oil and gas sectors becoming 'stranded'.