
  • Citigroup, Shell and 3M removed from DJSI World

    16 September 2019

    S&P Dow Jones Indices (DJI) and RobecoSAM have reviewed the companies in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) World and removed Citigroup, Shell and 3M from it. Citigroup remains in the DJSI North America, however.

  • People moves: CalPERS, FCLTGlobal, NNIP, Lightsource BP, ALLCOT Colombia

    18 January 2019

    Elisabeth Bourqui has resigned as chief operating investment officer at public pension fund California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS), after less than eight months in office.

  • Top 10 ESG pinch points outlined by Sustainalytics

    19 February 2018

    The 10 biggest environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks for investors have been flagged by Sustainalytics, which warned that some are expected "to reach a tipping point in 2018".

  • Shareholders are increasingly using their muscle on deforestation

    03 August 2017

    Most shareholder resolutions on deforestation led to some form of commitment from the company to address the problem, research has found.

  • Study forecasts explosive growth for second generation biofuels

    22 December 2014

    Production of 'second generation' biofuels – made from non-food crops or waste biomass – is expected to grow by more than 49% a year until 2020, to reach a market of $23.9 billion in 2020, according to a new report.

  • Supply chain emissions: overcoming uncertainty

    24 January 2014

    Regulatory uncertainty is deterring companies from investing in emissions reductions, the latest CDP supply chain analysis has found. But there are still enormous opportunities to be unlocked, says Dexter Galvin

  • UK opens wheat-fuelled biorefinery, ahead of EU vote

    10 July 2013

    The UK's largest biorefinery, officially opened on Tuesday, will produce 420 million litres of bioethanol – a third of the country's current need – when operating at full capacity, the owners said.