
  • Green bonds round-up, 16 January

    16 January 2019

    Italian energy company Enel has returned to the green bond market, with its third such deal, raising €1 billion ($1.1 billion).

  • Setting the standard

    30 March 2016

    As the market grows, so too does the number of companies and organisations 'defining' what is acceptable as a green bond. Sophie Robinson-Tillett looks at the patchwork of offerings and how they are set to develop

  • Quotes of the Quarter

    04 January 2016

    A round-up of the quotes of Q4 2015 that made headlines, including commments from Narendra Modi, Michael Bloomberg and Frederic Samama

  • BAML says green bond market is strong again as it clinches Q2 underwriter title

    05 August 2015

    The scramble to be named the biggest underwriter in the green bond market produced a new champion in the second quarter of 2015, after Bank of America Merrill Lynch deposed JP Morgan from the top of a league table.

  • $531.8bn of green bonds remain unlabelled, says research

    08 July 2015

    The green bond market would be $531.8 billion larger if all eligible bonds were labelled, according to the latest figures on the market.

  • Green bond comment: An encouraging quarter

    01 July 2015

    When Environmental Finance's small-but-dedicated team of green bond aficionados totted up all the green bond issues from the first quarter of 2015, the numbers were a little disappointing, says Peter Cripps.

  • US REIT in $500m 'milestone' green bond

    26 June 2015

    A US real estate firm has issued a green bond in what underwriters say is a "milestone" for the country's corporate market.