
  • EF BRIEFS: Alperia, Canadian Solar, NextEnergy

    11 July 2016

    Italian electricity utility Alperia has issued its first green bond, for a total of €225 million ($249 million). A further issue, of €150 million, is expected by the end of 2016, the company said.

  • Utility returns to green bond market, with benchmark issue

    15 April 2016

    A utility has returned to the green bond market, after pricing €1 billion ($1.1 billion) of notes, Environmental Finance has learned.

  • Abengoa considers complete sale of yieldco

    28 September 2015

    Heavily indebted energy company Abengoa is considering the possible sale of its 49% stake in its yieldco Abengoa Yield.

  • Abengoa raises €1.4bn of debt

    01 October 2014

    Abengoa has raised €1.4 billion of debt from 20 investors.

  • Non-toxic investments

    19 June 2013

    Investors need to raise more questions about the financial risks arising from hazardous chemicals produced and used by a range of companies, says Sonja Haider