
  • Green bond round-up: Indonesia; Stora Enso; FMO;Quebec; DTE Electric; BBVA; Los Angeles MTA; Iowa; Nobina

    20 February 2019

    The Republic of Indonesia has issued its second sovereign green sukuk. The $750 million deal pays a coupon of 3.9% and will mature in 2024.

  • BAML regains top green underwriter spot, as US market 'reawakens'

    13 July 2018

    Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML) has regained the title of leading underwriter in the green bond market, helped by a "reawakening" of the US corporate market.

  • Green bond Comment, June: A win-win product?

    06 June 2018

    Green bond enthusiasts received a sharp 'reality check' last month, when they heard that Hiro Mizuno, chief investment officer of the world's largest pension fund, regards them as a "lose-lose product".

  • Green bonds round-up, 2 May

    02 May 2018

    DTE Electric, an electricity utility based in Detroit, Michigan, has entered the green bond market with a $525 million, 30-year issue. It pays a coupon of 4.05% and was priced at 97 basis points over US Treasuries, giving a yield to maturity of 4.076%. The issue has been rated Aa3, A and A+ by Moody's, S&P Global and Fitch, respectively.