
  • Green bond comment: August's milestones and the promise of a golden autumn

    26 August 2015

    August was not a big month in terms of green bond issuance but the market continued to take important steps along the road to maturity, while participants are becoming increasingly excited about the prospect of a golden autumn, says Peter Cripps.

  • World's biggest muni green bond raises bigger-than-expected $944 million

    07 August 2015

    The largest municipal green bond priced today – and beat its original target by raising $944 million.

  • DC Water set to be first US muni to engage auditor on green bond

    06 August 2015

    DC Water will engage both a second-party opinion provider and a financial auditor on its next green bond, breaking the mold in the US municipal space.

  • US university plans green bond to fund LEED building

    31 July 2015

    A US university is to issue a green bond to finance the construction of a new medical building.

  • Green bond comment - July 2015

    29 July 2015

    There is no sign that the green bond market has gone off for an early summer break.

  • World's largest muni and transport green bond slated for next week

    29 July 2015

    The world's largest municipal green bond is set to come out of the US next month, in a deal worth almost $1 billion.