
  • CalSTRS backs impact fund with $50m

    03 March 2022

    California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS) has committed to invest $50 million in an impact fund focused on affordable housing for California's "black and brown communities".

  • 'Time has come' for SEC to address ESG disclosure

    22 May 2020

    A committee of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has urged the regulator to take a lead on environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosures, amid concerns a delayed response will result in US firms suffering a "distinct disadvantage" in accessing international capital.

  • Major investor initiative to tackle climate change on four fronts announced

    01 February 2018

    A landmark initiative to spur investors to attack climate change on the four fronts of engagement, disclosure, low-carbon investing and policy advocacy has been launched.

  • Californian pension funds are wary of coal divestment legislation

    24 December 2014

    Two major pension funds have reacted warily to reports that Kevin de Leon, Californian senate leader, plans to introduce legislation that would require them to sell their holdings in coal companies.

  • CalSTRS sees threefold increase in green bond investment in 2014

    13 November 2014

    California State Teachers' Retirement Systems (CalSTRS) has increased its investment into green bonds almost threefold in 2014.

  • Investors worth $1.3trn make climate infrastructure pledge

    25 September 2014

    An alliance of pension funds and other institutional investors representing $1.3 trillion of assets has committed to try to increase their investments in 'climate-resilient infrastructure'.

  • BlackRock, CalSTRS snap up BoA's $500m green bond

    22 November 2013

    BlackRock, California State Teachers' Retirement System and TIAA-CREF were among the investors in Bank of America's first-ever green bond.

  • IFC issues second $1bn green bond of 2013

    06 November 2013

    The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has launched its second $1 billion green bond of 2013, and called on other development banks to follow it with more 'benchmark' issues.

  • $3trn investor coalition heaps 'stranded asset' pressure on fossil fuel firms

    24 October 2013

    A coalition of investors worth $3 trillion has joined forces to write to 45 of the biggest oil and gas companies demanding how they are dealing with the threat of 'stranded assets'.

  • 10 steps to sustainable investment

    26 June 2013

    Institutional investors must address sustainability risks, such as climate change, resource scarcity and water shortages, within their investment decisions, if they are to be successful in the future, an investor-backed lobby group claimed.