
  • CalPERS publishes NZAOA targets late

    19 April 2022

    CalPERS has fulfilled its commitment to the Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance (NZAOA) to publicly disclose a 2025 decarbonisation target - but six months late.

  • CalPERS is six months late for NZAOA deadline

    13 April 2022

    CalPERS is the only early-joiner in the Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance (NZAOA) to have failed to fulfil its commitment to publicly disclose a 2025 decarbonisation target.

  • 27 of 29 NZAOA members fulfil commitments in time

    20 October 2021

    27 out of 29 members of the Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance (NZAOA) that joined early have fulfilled all the decarbonisation target-setting requirements...

  • Investors give ExxonMobil, Chevron bloody nose over climate policies

    27 May 2021

    US oil supermajors ExxonMobil and Chevron faced a significant investor revolt over their climate policies after a number of shareholder resolutions received majority support at their annual general meetings.

  • Climate Action 100+ expands its reach and attracts new backers

    04 July 2018

    An additional 61 companies have been added to Climate Action 100+ list, increasing the reach of the investor-backed initiative that aims to engage with "systemically important greenhouse gas emitters".

  • Californian pension funds are wary of coal divestment legislation

    24 December 2014

    Two major pension funds have reacted warily to reports that Kevin de Leon, Californian senate leader, plans to introduce legislation that would require them to sell their holdings in coal companies.

  • Investors worth $1.3trn make climate infrastructure pledge

    25 September 2014

    An alliance of pension funds and other institutional investors representing $1.3 trillion of assets has committed to try to increase their investments in 'climate-resilient infrastructure'.

  • Investment manager hires head of sustainable investing

    31 July 2013

    A leading university's investment management arm has appointed a vice-president for sustainable investing, amid mounting calls for universities to divest from fossil fuel holdings.