
  • Lessons from the Repsol bond

    02 August 2017

    I recently had an interesting chat with a leading green bond underwriter. He wanted to know whether I thought a green bond to finance energy-from-waste would be well received by the market.

  • IFC discloses details of first green 'Kauri' bond

    27 July 2017

    The first green bond from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to be denominated in New Zealand dollars will be a ten-year issue for a minimum of NZD100 million ($75 million), the issuer said.

  • Repsol's green bond: exploring the controversy

    19 May 2017

    Spanish oil & gas company Repsol issued a controversial green bond that immediately raised concerns, mainly because it represents more investment in production that results in more carbon emissions, even if more efficiently. Marcio Viegas assesses the controversy

  • Green bond round-up, 10 May 2017

    10 May 2017

    German development bank KfW has issued its largest ever green bond at €2 billion ($2.2 billion).

  • Volvo to roadshow Europe's first green bond for automobiles

    03 May 2017

    Volvo Cars is to issue the first green bond from a European car manufacturer, with the proceeds being used to finance cars that can be powered without fossil fuels.

  • NRW Bank commits to buy green bonds

    03 May 2017

    NRW Bank, a regular issuer of green bonds, has committed to start buying in the market. It also plans to issue another green bond, of at least €500 million ($545 million), later this year, a spokesman told Environmental Finance.

  • Final winners revealed in Environmental Finance's Green Bond Awards

    11 April 2017

    The best innovations, intermediaries and banks that helped the market set fresh records in 2016 have been honoured in the final wave of the Green Bond Awards.

  • SEB issues first green bond

    13 February 2017

    Swedish giant Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) has issued its first green bond, raising €500 million ($534 million).

  • Green bond round-up, 8 February 2017

    08 February 2017

    New York's Metropolitan Transport Authority (MTA) is gearing up to launch its third green bond, expected to raise $350 million.

  • Investors need to wake up to climate risks, warns Cicero

    02 February 2017

    The most immediate risks faced by companies as a result of climate change have been laid bare in a report that warns investors to urgently turn their attention to the issue.