
  • Bioeconomy fund leads €17m Series A round in agtech lighting business

    22 November 2023
  • S&P-Shades of Green second party opinion slated for June release

    18 April 2023
  • Sustainalytics delivers most SPOs in first half of 2022

    25 July 2022

    Sustainalytics provided the most second-party opinions (SPOs) for sustainable finance frameworks in the first half of 2022, according to Environmental Finance figures.

  • A transition taxonomy: ready or not?

    31 May 2022

    Could extending the EU's taxonomy to unsustainable and intermediate activities prove trickier than work on 'green', Michael Hurley asks

  • EU GBS 'may be a step backward' for green bond impact reporting

    22 April 2022

    The EU Green Bond Standard (EU GBS) has been criticised as "definitely not a step forward, and maybe a step backward" with regards to the social and environmental impact reports expected of issuers.

  • Address climate adaptation finance, says IPCC co-author

    12 April 2022

    Financial institutions must urgently move away from funding fossil fuels and channel more capital to financing climate adaptation measures, according to a co-author of the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

  • IEA net-zero roadmap 'turning point' for energy sector ahead of COP26

    18 May 2021

    After years of being judged a climate modelling laggard, the IEA has published a 'landmark' net-zero emissions roadmap which campaigners say raises the stakes for governments and companies ahead of the COP26 summit. Ahren Lester reports

  • News round-up: Federal Reserve joins NGFS, BNP's energy transition fund, Poseidon Principles ... and more

    16 December 2020
  • Green bond comment, October 2020: Automotive green bonds drive up corporate issuance

    07 October 2020

    Issuance from car makers has shifted to a higher gear in recent months, and it is a sign that corporates more broadly are tapping the market, says Ahren Lester

  • DBS Bank creates sustainable and transition finance framework

    30 June 2020

    Singaporean financial services provider DBS Bank has established a 'sustainable and transition finance framework and taxonomy' to "provide a science-based approach to avoid greenwashing".