
  • A first stab: French institutions try to calculate their biodiversity footprints

    03 August 2023

    As French financial institutions for the first time estimate the scale of their impacts on nature, the numbers look bleak - but not comparable. Thomas Cox writes

  • SocGen life insurer uses CDC data to calculate biodiversity footprint

    14 July 2023

    The life insurance arm of Société Générale Group has published its biodiversity footprint using CDC Biodiversité's Global Biodiversity Score (GBS) tool.

  • TNFD metrics 'don't allow direct assessment of COP15 contribution'

    15 June 2023

    The draft core disclosure metrics of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) do not show whether businesses are fulfilling a key goal of the final agreement from COP15, data providers and consultants have claimed.

  • CDC Biodiversité to add three sectors to biodiversity footprint tool

    14 March 2023

    CDC is planning to expand its biodiversity footprinting tool to enable simplified assessments of three sectors in more detail, as asset managers trial the methodology with private portfolio companies.

  • 2X Challenge aims to raise $15bn in gender-lens climate finance

    10 November 2021

    The 2X Challenge has announced it aims to raise $15 billion for gender-lens investment after securing more than double its original $3 billion target.

  • French financial system 'significantly exposed' to biodiversity risk

    31 August 2021

    The French financial system is 'significantly exposed' to physical and transition biodiversity risk, according to academic research by the country's central bank

  • Adjuvant raises $300m for healthcare venture fund

    18 February 2021

    Adjuvant Capital has raised $300 million for a venture capital fund that aims to accelerate the development of medicine for 'historically overlooked public health challenges'.

  • News Round Up: JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, US Department of Labor, and more

    14 December 2020
  • BlueOrchard launches Covid-19 support impact fund

    09 November 2020

    BlueOrchard Finance has launched a $140 million impact fund to help financial institutions provide financing to micro, small and medium-size enterprises (MSMEs) in emerging and frontier markets as they respond to the coronavirus pandemic.

  • News round-up: Investors go to work on deforestation, DFIs go fossil fuel-free

    05 November 2020

    €1.8trn of investors urge companies to tackle deforestation