
  • Profile: Ben Goldsmith/Menhaden Capital

    19 November 2015

    Ben Goldsmith explains why his new fund, Menhaden Capital, is investing in energy and resource efficiency - and why it's named after a fish. Sophie Robinson-Tillett reports

  • Menhaden Capital gets IPO away and awards mandate to Wheb

    03 August 2015

    Resource efficiency fund Menhaden Capital, which got its IPO away on Friday, has awarded a segregated mandate to Wheb Asset Management.

  • Why a turnaround king turned to renewables

    20 March 2014

    Jon Moulton made his fortune in private equity, but in recent years has been increasingly using his considerable personal wealth to back renewables ventures. He explains why he is investing in the asset class to Peter Cripps

  • Renewables investors fear Scottish independence: Jon Moulton

    21 January 2014

    Investors fear that Scotland could refuse to honour agreements made by the UK government to pay subsidies for renewable energy if it leaves the union, private equity boss Jon Moulton has warned.