
  • BIS and MAS develop 'blueprint' for regulators' climate data platform

    14 June 2024

    The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) have developed a 'blueprint' for a proposed climate data platform they said could help financial regulators understand emerging climate-related risks.

  • BIS says its AI tool 'is game changer for green finance' ... but beware the hallucinations

    19 March 2024

    A tool that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse corporate climate reports has been hailed as a "game changer for green finance", because of its ability to automate the rapid extraction of data.

  • Exclusionary strategies could spark 7% drop in stock prices of 'brown' firms, BIS report says

    02 October 2023

    The exclusion of high-emitting 'brown' firms by sustainability-minded investors could lead to a 7.1% drop in stock prices of these firms over 10 years, according to a modelling exercise by academics.

  • Banking supervisors to be pushed to consider climate under BIS standards

    06 July 2023
  • Bank lending to emissions-intensive Japanese firms declined, BIS paper says

    07 March 2023
  • Crack down on ESG 'ratings shopping', says BIS

    03 January 2023

    Regulators should consider introducing measures to limit sustainability ratings providers' ability to justify "lenient" assessments of companies and financial institutions,...

  • Basel Committee provides climate risk guidance for capital requirements

    09 December 2022

    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has published guidance for banks intended to provide a "globally consistent" interpretation of how to integrate climate-related financial risk...

  • Basel Committee publishes final climate-risk principles

    15 June 2022

    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has published its final set of climate-related financial risk principles for regulators,...

  • Basel Committee to publish final climate risk principles

    01 June 2022

    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) will publish its final set of climate-related financial risk principles for regulators in the "coming weeks" following its consultation.

  • BIS launches Asian green bond fund

    25 February 2022

    The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has launched an Asian green bond fund for central banks, taking its total green bond fund assets under management to $3.5 billion.