
  • Biodiversity accounting initiative outlines initial guidelines

    25 September 2020

    A report endorsed by banks and asset managers has laid out a common approach to measuring positive impact on biodiversity.

  • Bond round-up: Unédic, Snam, Castle Peak, Northern States Power, Symbiotics ... and more

    17 June 2020
  • Bailout funding should have environmental strings attached

    05 May 2020

    The trillions of dollars of public funding being made available to help companies recover from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic should be conditional on sustainability commitments, say Vivid Economics and the Finance for Biodiversity Initiative.

  • Triodos, BlueOrchard pledge microfinance support amid Covid-19

    05 May 2020

    Incofin, Triodos and BlueOrchard are among a group of impact investors that have pledged to support microfinance institutions with refinancing options amid the fallout from Covid-19.

  • Macquarie completes first biogas investment

    18 November 2019

    Macquarie Capital Principal Finance has completed the majority acquisition of BioCow, a producer of biogas for the UK market.

  • Brazilian biodiversity fund reaches first close

    29 October 2019

    Mirova, an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers, has confirmed the first close of the Althelia Biodiversity Fund Brazil (ABF Brazil), which will make impact investments in the Amazon.

  • Bioenergy, agriculture and forestry groups lament EU Taxonomy criteria

    24 October 2019

    The “regrettable divergence” of the EU sustainability taxonomy’s criteria from existing European renewable energy regulation has been criticised by a group of industry associations.

  • Financial sector develops methodology for biodiversity impact

    22 November 2018

    Financial institutions have developed a methodology to measure their global impact on biodiversity, which will enable them to help support its conservation.

  • Optimism trumps uncertainty

    04 September 2018

    The market for carbon offsets remains buoyant, despite regulatory uncertainty. Elena K. Johansson talks to winners of our annual Voluntary Carbon Markets Rankings to find out why.

  • People moves: ICMA, JP Morgan and BIG

    09 February 2018

    The International Finance Corporation's (IFC) Esohe Denise Odaro has taken a secondment at the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA), where she is director in the Green Bond Principles/Social Bond Principles (GBP/SBP) secretariat.