
  • Oil firms demand worldwide carbon pricing in open letter

    01 June 2015

    A group of six oil companies have called for the introduction of a global carbon price as part of "ambitious policy frameworks" to help tackle climate change, in an open letter to world leaders.

  • Investors should move on stranded asset risk 'sooner rather than later', warns bank

    28 October 2014

    Investors with a focus on sustainability should begin to take action to mitigate the threat of 'stranded fossil fuel assets' sooner rather than later, a bank research note has advised.

  • BoA, UBS in, but HSBC out of sustainability index

    12 September 2013

    Bank of America, UBS and United Parcel Service are the largest of 39 companies admitted to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI), following an annual review of constituents carried out by sustainable investment specialist RobecoSAM.