
  • Austria: Greenium justified as there is 'no free lunch' for investors

    23 January 2024

    Up to 60 people work on Austria's green bond reporting, Markus Stix tells Ahren Lester

  • Austria raises €2.5bn from green bonds in 'innovative' triple-tranche deal

    19 January 2024

    Austria has raised €2.5 billion ($2.7 billion) from two significantly oversubscribed green bond tranches issued through a ground-breaking triple-tranche syndication deal, with expectations of a record-breaking 2024 for total green bond issuance.

  • Austria raises €3bn from shorter-dated green bond

    19 April 2023

    Austria has raised €3 billion ($3.3 billion) from its second green bond as the country looks to build out the yield curve for its green bond programme...

  • Austria offers green short-dated debt 'missing link'

    24 October 2022

    After its ground-breaking green T-Bill issuance, Austria has further plans to tackle the short-term debt challenge in green markets. Ahren Lester reports