
  • Australian regulator told to 'send stronger signal' on sustainability collaborations

    06 August 2024
  • Australia, New Zealand to collaborate on sustainable finance taxonomies, labelling

    31 July 2024
  • Australian sustainable fund labelling proposal focuses on UK alignment

    07 June 2024

    The developers of the Australian sustainable fund labelling proposals are looking "very closely" at the UK naming rules to see "whether we can align" with the requirements published in November.

  • Policymakers urged to push for taxonomy equivalence over interoperability

    04 June 2024

    While interoperability of taxonomies should be welcomed, it is "not enough" and policymakers need to move towards equivalence, an Environmental Finance conference has heard.

  • Feedback sought on first draft of Australian taxonomy

    28 May 2024

    The Australian Sustainable Finance Institute (ASFI) has opened a public consultation on the first draft of its proposed taxonomy, including its headline ambitions and first three priority areas.

  • Australian government wins investor group praise for climate funding

    15 May 2024

    Investor groups have welcomed a AUD22.7 billion ($15.1 billion) funding package the Australian government has pledged to support the transition to net zero, development of sustainability fund labels and tackling 'greenwashing'.

  • Australian investor body seeks experts for taxonomy project

    30 April 2024
  • AUD80trn investors back 'essential' Australian climate reporting bill

    23 April 2024
  • Australian green bond framework includes biodiversity, climate adaptation

    08 December 2023

    The Australian sovereign green bond framework has included climate adaptation and nature projects among its eligible activities alongside the more familiar climate mitigation projects, as the country moves closer to its mid-2024 market debut.

  • Australia plans sovereign green bond and taxonomy financing

    21 April 2023

    The Australian government has announced it plans to issue a debut sovereign green bond and will co-fund the development of a sustainable finance taxonomy...